Ricette Italiane PRO

by 0C7 Software

Food & Drink

2.49 usd

In the kitchen with Android! Cooking has never been so easy.

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**************************italian language onlyTake a look at Sweet Recipes Easy Cooking for English language**************************Cucinare con il tuo smartphone Android non è mai stato così facile! 6 categorie di ricette tra cui scegliere :• Antipasti• Primi• Secondi• Contorni• Dolci • CocktailOgni ricetta è corredata da una guida fotografica passo passo che illustra tutte le varie fasi della preparazione.✔ Gestisci la tua lista della spesa,✔ Crea i tuoi menù personalizzati per ogni ricorrenza.✔ Gestisci facilmente le tue ricette preferite e approfondisci le ricette sul WEB.✔ Cerca tra le ricette che puoi cucinare utilizzando gli ingredienti che hai in casa!✔ Scopri i vini che puoi abbinare con le tue ricette ! Più di 1000 dettagliatissime schede dei vini più conosciuti.✔ Divertiti a creare i cocktail più famosi✔ Impara le parole più utilizzate in cucina tramite il vocabolario di Ricette Italiane.✔ Condividi le ricette che preferisci con i tuoi amici di Facebook !✔ Ricette Italiane non contiene nessuna pubblicità, e non richiede connessione ad internet per consultare le ricette! Differenze con la versione gratuita di Ricette Italiane:• Tutte le ricette disponibili• Immagini più grandi• Lista della spesa senza limitazione• Possibilità di creare tutti i menù che desideriRecensioni :►Twisterandroid.com : http://goo.gl/ZirjIw►Enjoyphoneblog : http://goo.gl/LS3kH0►Fundroid : http://goo.gl/nem8xX►Android Blog : http://goo.gl/JDvtH►Androider : http://goo.gl/aSTIKN►Telefoniablog : http://goo.gl/iX35U►Tecnologici.net/http://goo.gl/yCa38►Appadvance : http://goo.gl/1tTq57Il permesso per laccesso a internet e necessario per condividere le ricette su FacebookSe vuoi pubblicare le tue ricette su Ricette Italiane PRO inviami una mail. ************************** italian language only Take a look at Sweet Recipes Easy Cooking for Inglese language ************************** Cooking with your Android smartphone has never been so easy! 6 categories of recipes to choose from:• Appetizers • First • Main • Outlines • Sweet • Cocktail Each recipe is accompanied by a step by step photographic guide that illustrates all the various stages of preparation.✔ Manage your shopping list, ✔ Create your Menu customized for each occurrence.✔ Easily Manage your favorite recipes and deepen the recipes on the web.✔ Search between the recipes that you can cook using the ingredients you have at home!✔ Check out the wines that you can match with your recipes! More than 1000 highly detailed tabs of the most popular wines.✔ Have fun creating the cocktail most popular✔ Learn the most used words in the kitchen via the Recipes Italian vocabulary. ✔ Share the recipes you like with your Facebook friends!✔ Italian Recipes contains no advertising, and does not require internet connection to browse the recipes! Differences with the free version of Italian Recipes: • All recipes available• Larger images• Wish List without limitation• Ability to create all the menus you want Review: ►Twisterandroid.com: http://goo.gl/ZirjIw►Enjoyphoneblog: http://goo.gl/LS3kH0►Fundroid: http://goo.gl/nem8xX►Android Blog: http://goo.gl/JDvtH►Androider: http://goo.gl/aSTIKN►Telefoniablog: http://goo.gl/iX35U►Tecnologici.net / http: //goo.gl/yCa38►Appadvance: http://goo.gl/1tTq57Permission to access the internet and need to share recipes on FacebookIf you want to publish your recipes of Italian Recipes PRO send me an email.* Ora e possibile visualizzare le ricette vegane e vegetariane :Licona con la foglia verde indica una ricetta vegana.Licona con la bistecca barrata indica una ricetta vegetariana. * Correzione delle ricette :Cornetti alla mortadella.Peperoni con olive nere.Muffin con uvetta (Grazie ad Eleonora).Ciambelline al vino bianco (Grazie Vili).

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A Google user

While I don't know Italian it's not hard to figure out the recipes and use Google to translate it. Thanks!

Philip Marc

Utilissima applicazione, e sviluppatore molto disponibile!

Enrico Furnari

I am Italian and love Italian cuisine, but when it comes to cook I am a total beginner. This app is a joy to use and contains many dishes for all tastes and abilities. Improvements: - sometimes the amount of ingredients could be clearer, especially to the beginner, for example it is not clear to me what 1/4 of cream (panna) means... 1/4 of litre maybe? It would be better to specify, or to say 250 ml - it would be great to provide some alternative ingredients, for some more unusual ingredients. For example, preparing Pasta Russian style, I had obviously Vodka, but not Brandy. It would have been nice to know what else I could have used, Rum? Tequila? Wine? - It would be extremely useful to add a score on how much calories or how much healthy a dish is, so as to have a quick idea if the dish is going to be suitable to everybody or for a daily use or it is just to be prepared in special circumstances when we want to treat ourselves. A bar just under the complexity bar would do the trick. - Why do not translate it to the English? So even my girlfriend (and many people interested in Italian cuisine) can enjoy it. Even without these desirable improvements for me it deserves 5 STARS

A Google user